Dr Leon Levitt • Perth Circumcision Clinic

Providing a professional, quality medical service to families who wish their newborn and baby sons to be circumcised


Infant Circumcision

The Perth Circumcision Clinic was set up by Dr Leon Levitt, an experienced Western Australian General Practitioner Obstetrician with over 30 years of experience in circumcisions in newborn and baby boys (under 16 weeks). He has performed over 20000 neonatal circumcisions in the clinic setting. The Circumcision Clinic has been operating within Dr Levitt’s medical practice throughout this time, and in 2011 began operations as a separate entity.


Years of experience


Neonatal circumcisions performed


Parents can be present at their baby’s circumcision procedure or stay in another comfortable room and wait for their child to be brought back to them.
Parents have the choice of when to have the procedure and of their doctor. 

Trust & Safety

Our Doctors and Nurses care for your child at the Perth Circumcision Clinic with great experience and professional excellence, allowing parents to have confidence that their child is in the safest of hands.

Technical Excellence

Our doctors have great experience and technical excellence in dealing with the many different appearances of the foreskin and penis, and has a special interest in medical attention to neonates and infants. 

Pain Relief

No doctor or technique can truly claim to be completely pain free, but at Perth Circumcision Clinic we provide three forms of analgesia/anaesthetic for your child.


Baby Steps Health Centre


GP and Obstetrician Dr Leon Levitt set up Baby Steps with the initial goal of meeting the needs of new parents, gathering all the health care professionals they might need together in one place.

Baby Steps has become a unique place where parents can access the combined expertise of a range of health professionals, for seamless, comprehensive care for their family.